Hyderabad: The Supreme Court Collegium has approved the appointment of 12 lawyers and judicial officials to the Telangana High Court as judges.

The request for the elevation of seven attorneys and five judicial officers as judges was approved by the Collegium during its meeting on Tuesday, February 1. There are four ladies among them.

Kasoju Surendhar alias K Surender, Chada Vijaya Bhaskar Reddy, Surepalli Nanda, Mummineni Sudheer Kumar, Juvvadi Sridevi alias Kuchadi Sridevi, Mirza Safiullah Baig, and Natcharaju Shravan Kumar Venkat will be elevated as judges. G Anupama Chakravarthy, MG Priyadarshini, Sambasivarao Naidu, A Santosh Reddy, and Dr D Nagarajun are the judicial officers who would be promoted.

The Telangana High Court will now have 30 judges, including Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma. There will still be 12 openings in the High Court. Telangana High Court's bench strength increased from 24 to 42 judges in June 2021, with over 2.3 lakh pending cases.

In the history of the High Court, seven at a time, including four women were sworn in, last September. If the Centre approves the recommendations made by the Collegium this time, another record will be set.

Notably, cases have been pending due to a shortage of judges in various high courts across the country. Taking this problem into account, CJI NV Ramana is actively involved in the appointment of judges.

(With inputs from ABP Desam — It is a Telugu platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings from two Telugu states, follow https://telugu.abplive.com//amp)