New Delhi: Telangana Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development KT Rama Rao said on Saturday that the government would cut power and water supply if needed to the Army Cantonment areas in Hyderabad and Secunderabad.

The minister said, " is not fair to close the roads whenever they want". The minister was speaking during the Question Hour at the state assembly on the implementation of the Strategic Nala Development Programme in the city, news agency ANI reported.

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KTR also alleged that the local military authorities have constructed check dams, which led to inundating several areas in the city during the 2020 Hyderabad floods.

"Telangana is not a different country. If they don't understand, we have to take strong steps. If needed, we will cut power and water supplies to them and see whether they will climb down from their stand," said KTR, as quoted by India Today.

Accusing both military authority and the Archaeological Survey of India of obstructing the Nala Development Programme, KTR asked the municipal officials to immediately call meetings with the military authority and sort this.

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