Telangana Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy Thursday said that the people of Munugode should prove that the "conspiracies of BJP" would not work in Telangana, by defeating its candidate K Rajgopal Reddy in the upcoming Munugode byelection.

Campaigning for Telangana Rashtra Samiti's Munugode byelection candidate K Prabhakar Reddy, the minister said the by-election "is a conspiracy by the BJP government at the Centre and nothing else".

"Why this election when hardly within one year general elections will be held? How can they do miracles when they could do nothing in four years?” Jagadish Reddy asked, as quoted by The Hindu.

Four ministers have visited different areas in Munugode as part of the campaign for the byelection. The ministers sought to explain to the people the "reason" for the byelection, saying it was forced on the people for BJP's "selfish interests".

Also read | K.A. Paul Of Praja Shanti Party Promises US Visas To 59 Unemployed People From Telangana's Munugode

On Thursday, TRS candidate Prabhakar Reddy filed his nomination for the upcoming byelection in Munugode. Telangana Information Technology and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao, who is also the TRS working president, took part in the nomination rally in Munugode.