Hyderabad: BJP Telangana president Bandi Sanjay took a dig at Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao, saying that his political days are almost over and 'there are several Eknath Shindes in TRS'.

"How does CM KCR know what happens at the BJP National Executive Committee meeting?" Sanjay asked during a press conference. Sanjay questioned how the BJP could be in power in 18 states if it had no strategy.

He said that it is a shame that KCR made disgusting comments against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UP CM Yogi Adityanath to divert the situation that people in Telangana are suffering from floods. He said that KCR does not have the right to speak about CM Yogi Adityanath, who made Uttar Pradesh a crime-free state.

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“Are you a desh ki neta? And you are comparing with PM Modi. PM Modi works 18 hours a day, and you (KCR) don’t even come out of your farmhouse. Everyone is laughing at you claiming yourself Desh Ki Neta.” Referring to KCR’s statements on Maharasthra CM Eknath Shinde, Bandi said, as quoted by ANI.

According to the report, Sanjay said, “You are speaking about Eknath Shinde, first, take a look at your party. I think there are many Eknath Shindes in TRS. That might also be the reason behind him (KCR) mentioning Eknath Shinde several times. He fears leaders like Eknath Shinde are growing in his party.” 

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(With inputs From ABP Desam, ANI)