Telangana Minister and BRS leader K. T. Rama Rao fell down from a vehicle during an election rally at Armoor in Nizamabad district on Thursday. All the BRS leaders were standing on the rooftop of the vehicle during the rally and when it suddenly stopped it led to all of them to fall. BRS leader Suresh Reddy was also present in the vehicle.
According to ANI, Telangana Minister and BRS leader KTR Rao fell down from a vehicle during an election rally in Armoor, Nizamabad district.
On Thursday, while participating in the nomination rally of BRS MLA and candidate Jivan Reddy, Minister KTR met with an accident. The dias made over the top of a vehicle broke and KTR fell down, while RS MP Suresh Reddy fell down on the road, Jeevan Reddy lost his balance and fell.