After PM Modi and BRS leader KTR hit back at each other, Eatala Rajender, Chairman of the Election Management Committee for Telangana BJP, came out in support of PM Modi and said that Modi was not the one to lie but KCR and KTR were liars. He said that even BRS promised many things in the election manifesto but did not fulfill even one of them. On Tuesday, PM Modi as part of the election campaign said that he was going to reveal a secret. PM said that KCR wanted to be part of NDA after the Hyderabad polls but he rejected the request due to KCR's deeds. However, the ruling BRS in Telangana objected PM's remarks and called it a "white lie."

According to ANI, Eatala Rajender, Chairman of the Election Management Committee for Telangana BJP said, "KCR and KTR are liars. It is not PM Modi who lies...They (BRS) mentioned a lot of things in their election manifesto but didn't fulfill even one of them...They promised a Dalit CM, promised implementation of 'Dalit Bandhu', promised to provide houses with double bedrooms."

"Did they fulfill any of that?...Everyone knows the strength, commitment & work of PM Modi," he said.



In Telangana, setting the stage for elections, Modi said he had "rejected the entry of KCR into NDA" even if it meant the BJP sitting in the opposition in GHMC. However, Telangana Minister KT Rama Rao called it as "white lies" of PM Modi and said that it was the reason why they called BJP as "Biggest Jhoot Factory".