Hyderabad: The Riemann Hypothesis, A Million Dollar Problem, is claimed to be solved by a 74-year-old Hyderabad-based Physicist and Mathematician Dr Kumar Eswaran working as a Professor at Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology (SNIST) in the city. 

The Riemann Hypothesis has to do with the distribution of prime numbers, that can be divided by themselves and by one. touted as the greatest mathematics problem in history, the mathematician proves to solve this gets a heroic cadre and would be awarded. The yesteryear mathematicians, who won the Abel Prize for their contribution to the field of mathematics have tried to prove their mettle but fell short. It was recognised that the proof of the Riemann Hypothesis would be an entry point to many theorems which were dependent on the truth of this hypothesis.

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According to the press release by SNIST, a duly constituted expert committee of scientists determined after detailed and careful perusal of the comments of competent reviewers that one of their professors, Dr Kumar Eswaran has proved 'The Riemann Hypothesis'.

In 2000, Riemann Hypothesis was declared a millennium problem, one of the seven mathematical problems selected by the Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Mass, USA and announced a reward of $1 million dollars for its solution, the Institute said.

According to the Institute, Dr Kumar Eswaran took off from the work of JE Littlewood (1885-1977) and showed that the RH could be resolved if the analytical behaviour of a certain specially chosen function of a complex variable can be determined.