Telangana Information Technology Minister KT Rama Rao on Monday urged the IT companies to look beyond Hyderabad and towards tier II towns and cities in the state to set up their new units and expand operations. According to NASSCOM, 4.5 lakh jobs were created in India's IT sector last year, with Hyderabad accounting for 1.5 lakh of these, said Minister KT Rama Rao.
Speaking to representatives of the IT sector, the minister stated that Hyderabad beat Bengaluru in job creation in the IT sector last year.
KT Rama Rao claimed that a Cyberabad security council had already been established by the state government. It collaborates with businesses and starts taking appropriate action.
He said that IT centres have already been established by the state government in Warangal, Khammam, and Karimnagar. The Nizamabad IT hub will debut the following month. In the next few months, IT centres will open in Mahabubnagar and Nalgonda.
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The Minister stated that T-initiative Fiber's efforts to extend 100 MBPS connectivity to 10 million households would be finished this year in regards to the state government's steps to improve the infrastructure. He added that the largest prototyping facility, T-Works, would also be opened in the first quarter.
He said that the state government had planned 47 projects for the city's transportation infrastructure, of which 37 projects were finished.
By June, Hyderabad will be the first city to treat all of its sewage using STPs. He noted that the state government had made significant investments to assure that there would be no drinking water shortages in the city until 2050.
The Minister further said that the Telangana government is using new technologies on a large scale in many government services like pensions, driving license renewal, and e-voting.
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