Hyderabad: The forthcoming Huzurabad by-elections in Telangana is crucial as it will lay a path for the 2023 assembly elections in the state. CM K Chandrasekhar Rao has already set sights on the 2023 assembly elections. Proof of it is the 'Dalit Bandhu' scheme which he planned to lay stepping stones from Huzurabad ahead of the by-elections. In the Huzurabad by-election, the CM is trying to use the 'Dalit Bandhu' scheme as a weapon and become closer to the people of the state.

Telangana's Dalit Bandhu scheme is the latest flagship programme of the state government and it is said to uplift the Dalit families in the state. However, the scheme has already drawn flak from the oppositions.

Besides this, there is a discussion on reorganising the cabinet in the state. But this time, if there is a cabinet expansion or reorganization, it will be an election cabinet. It looks like he's already preparing for that but if not now in the near future. In this context, the KCR cabinet has decided to give the post of Deputy CM to a leader pertaining to a particular community. However, there was no response from the TRS leaders when the 'ABP Desam' tried to contact them in this context.

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KCR Mark

KCR is very good at tying up opponents with bullets of words and choking them with political tactics. The CM came up with new ideas following the recent changing situations in Telangana political conditions. There is a campaign in the TRS circles to give more political prominence to an influential community in Khammam, Warangal, Nizamabad and Greater Hyderabad. They are a strong community in some parts of Telangana, the political significance of the aftermath of the division of the state has decreased. By giving them a strong position they can fill that gap and achieve other benefits as well. KCR's strategy is to benefit the community in Khammam, Nizamabad and Greater Hyderabad by posting a person from that community as Deputy CM.

Changing political conditions in state

KCR, who is the first CM of the new state Telangana, faced stiff competition ahead of the next assembly elections. KCR, who faced everyone alone, was hit hard by the Parliament, Dubaka and Greater Hyderabad elections. But, TRS fought back hard in the municipal elections. KCR noted the change in circumstances. He is ready to counter as there are indications that a major community supporting the Telangana Congress party is getting stronger.

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They are trying to bring together the social class that is their strongest political rival in the commonwealth. KCR, who is already trying to reach out to those communities in the name of the Dalit Bandhu, is adjusting in this form wherever there is a gap. They are not only politically influential people but also financially strong. TPCC chief Revanth Reddy and YS Sharmila, a newcomer to politics in Telangana, are also making efforts to support those communities.

The TPCC chief already has a good following in that community. TRS is taking baby steps to draw attention from the communities. After the formation of a separate Telangana, that community is supporting the TRS. The TRS' idea now is to give them more prominence as Deputy CM and to further strengthen the vote bank.

Currently, the TRS' focus is on the Huzurabad by-elections. 

(ABP Desam is the Telugu platform of ABP News. For more news, commentary and latest happenings, follow: https://telugu.abplive.com//amp/amp/amp)