BJP state president Bandi Sanjay Kumar said on Thursday that Congress does not have popular support among people in Telangana as seen in several elections during the last couple of years. He said that people see the BJP as an alternative to the ruling Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS). According to the PTI report, during his address at a public meeting in the Makthal assembly constituency as part of the BJP's 'Maha Sampark Abhiyan', Kumar claimed that pre-poll surveys indicate that the BJP is likely to win the upcoming elections.
The BJP leader claimed that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao is trying to help Congress Party make gains. However, there is no chance of Congress getting people's support, he said.
In an apparent reference to the incident where 12 Congress MLAs joined the ruling TRS (formerly known as BRS) party in 2019, Bandi Sanjay Kumar claimed that the Congress Party is like a "shopping mall" for Chief Minister Rao, where he can "purchase" MLAs.
Kumar also highlighted the poor performance of the Congress Party in various elections, including the bypolls in Dubbak and Huzurabad assembly segments and the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) elections in the past couple of years. He mentioned that in the Munugode assembly bypoll, the Congress Party did not even receive the deposit, while the BJP lost by a margin of only 10,000 votes. Kumar stated that people saw the BJP as an alternative to the BRS party.
Referring to AIMIM president Asaduddin Owaisi's recent remarks about the BRS government's promise to construct an 'Islamic Centre' in Hyderabad, Kumar asked the audience whether such a promise should be accepted. He also questioned the lack of development projects such as flyovers, metro rail, and job opportunities in the old city of Hyderabad.
Hyderabad is represented in Lok Sabha by Asaduddin Owaisi.
Kumar also highlighted the development initiatives of Prime Minister Narendra Modi government and attacked the BRS government over allegedly rising debt burden and failed promises like three acres of land to Dalits and others.