In a devastating accident that occurred at the 'My Home' Cement Factory in Mellacheruvu village, located in Telangana's Suryapet district, on Tuesday, one worker lost their life, while several others are feared to be trapped under the debris. According to IANS, the workers in the cement factory are migrants from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

The accident took place when the concrete mixture being transported to higher floors got stuck on the fourth floor due to a mechanical failure. As workers attempted to resolve the issue, the mixture tragically collapsed on them while they were at ground level.

The construction at the factory was in progress, with five floors already completed, and work on the sixth-floor slab was ongoing at the time of the accident.

The Kodad police, as reported by Times Of India, have stated, "While workers were trying to fix the problem, the mixture collapsed on the workers standing below at ground level."

(This is BREAKING NEWS... More details to follow. Keep refreshing the page for the latest updates)