After a video went viral showing Telangana Home Minister Mohammad Ali slapping his security person on Friday, BJP MP Arvind Dharmapuri demanded the Home Minister resign immediately and sought a response from Minister KT Rama Rao. The BJP MP also told the government to book a case against the Home Minister for slapping the security. He called the act a sheer "arrogance".
On a viral video where Telangana Home Minister Mohammad Mahmood Ali is seen slapping his security person, BJP MP Arvind Dharmapuri said, " KTR has to answer. Being a home minister, out of arrogance he slapped his security person. He should resign immediately."
"A case needs to be booked against the Deputy CM who handles the Home Ministry here. This is sheer out of arrogance...DGP has to take action against & file a case against Mahmood Ali...KTR has to respond to this," he said
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On Friday, a purported video showed Home Minister Mohammed Ali slapping one of his personal security officers at a public event in Telangana. The Minister was attending Chief Minister's Breakfast Scheme inauguration event along with the Minister for Animal Husbandry Talasani Srinivas Yadav at a government school.
At the time of the event, government officials, police personnel and other BRS leaders were also present. The Home Minister reportedly slapped the personal security due to a delay in handing over flower bouquets to him.
Earlier, Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav was caught on camera for slapping a man in public in August.