New Delhi: The Chief Minister of Telangana K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) on Sunday slammed BJP and asked for proof of the surgical strikes carried out in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) in September 2019.

"Even today, I am asking for the proof. Let the government of India show (the proof). The BJP makes false propaganda that is why people are asking for it," said Rao during a press conference on Sunday night according to ANI.

"The BJP is using surgical strike politically. The Army is fighting at the border. If anyone is dying, it's Army personnel, and they should be given credit for it, not BJP," he said.

"There is nothing wrong in Mr Rahul Gandhi asking for proof of surgical strikes. What was wrong. I am asking now. Come on, let the government of India show (the proof)," he told a news conference.

He said that the BJP makes false propaganda leading to apprehensions among people, he also said that "in a democracy, you are not a monarch or a king". 

Defending Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in asking for proof of surgical strikes, KCR said he is also asking for proof. 

"Rahul Gandhi in the capacity as an MP asked for proof. He has a right to ask. You reply or keep quiet," Rao said, flaying BJP for targeting those asking for proof of surgical strikes carried out in Pakistan in response to the Uri attack in 2016.

Calling surgical strikes a political stunt, KCR said that whenever there is an election there is some disturbance at the border.

"It was definitely a political stunt. More than half of India believes that. There is popular apprehension in the country because what is happening is that whenever there is an election, there is some disturbance on the border and it is projected in a heavy manner," he said as reported by IANS.

KCR criticised Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma comments on Friday when he had said, "look at the mentality of these people. General Bipin Rawat was the pride of the country. India conducted the surgical strike in Pakistan under his leadership. Rahul Gandhi demanded proof of the strike. Did we ever ask you for proof of whether you are Rajiv Gandhi's son or not? What right do you have to demand proof from my Army?"

"BJP wants to use surgical strikes for political gains. Definitely, Rahul Gandhi and I will question. The whole country will question," he said and slammed BJP for using the photographs of former Chief of Defence Staff Bipin Rawat with BJP flags in Uttarakhand polls.

Telangana Chief Minister urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP chief Jagat Prakash Nadda to sack the Assam CM over his comments on Rahul Gandhi.

Hitting back at KCR, Sarma took a dig at Rao by saying that it shows their mindset. "I believe that questioning the Army whether they have carried out the surgical strike or not is the biggest crime. He (Telangana CM KCR) got agitated by my comment on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi but not by Rahul Gandhi's comment on our Army," Sarma said, reported ANI.