Chennai: A 13-year-old girl from Hyderabad recently scaled Africa’s highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro. The young champ is also motivated to complete all seven summits across the globe before 2024. 

The 13-year-old Muriki Pulakita Hasvi, talking to ANI said, "It was an adventurous experience. In Mount Kilimanjaro, every weather condition can be experienced. So I started the preparation three months back for this summit in April." 

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"I got to know about mountaineering through a movie. My future goal is to get to the top of all 7 summits across the world before 2024 and I have already made plans to reach the goal," she said.

The seven summits across the world include Kilimanjaro, Vinson, Puncak Jaya/Kosciuszko, Mount Everest, Denali, Mauna Kea and Aconcagua.

The young mountaineer said that the most important thing for mountaineering is to be mentally strong. Hence she said started doing yoga and meditation to keep her mentally strong. 

Further, to the youngsters, she said, "My message to the young people is not to choose mountaineering but to conquer mountains of your own." 

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Earlier, a 7-year-old Bharath from Hyderbad scaled Mount Kilimanjaro and became one of the youngest persons to scale the highest mountain in Africa. Bharath successfully achieved the feat on March 6, 2021, after ongoing month-long training.

The coach talking about Bharath said that the team took all precautionary measures since they are taking a child with them and decided to return whenever Bharath felt uneasy. However, the coach said that Bharath made them proud by climbing the Uhuru peak of Kilimanjaro.