X Outage: Are you having trouble refreshing your feed on X? You're not the only one, as X is experiencing a large scale outage today (August 28). According to outage tracking website Downdetector.com, more than 1,123 complaints had been registered regarding the outage by 9:00 am this morning. As per the Downdetector.com's map, mainly users in metropolitan regions like Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Kolkata reported the disruption in X's services.

As per the website, a sudden surge in user complaints was noticed after 8:30 am. At 8:30 am, around 8 users had complained about the non-functionality of X but at 8:45 am, the user complaints shot up to 641. By 8:54 am, the users complaints shot up to 1,054, then it slowly started to decline, and the complaints went down to 614 by 9:00 am. By around 9:15 am, the users complain went down to a mere 50.

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The majority of these complaints were regarding the non-functionality of the app (69 per cent), around 27 per cent of users who were using website complained of this issue, and 3 per cent of users complained of issues with the server connection.

X Outage In April

X has been facing outages on several occasions. Earlier in April, X witnessed another outage. The widespread outage began on April 11 at around 10:41 am. During the downtime, X stopped working completely, with users unable to post tweets or even open pages. 

According to the then outage trackers's Live Outage map, users were found to be reporting issues with X from across India, with hotspots in cities such as Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow, Cuttack, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and others. 

A quick check across Downdetector's global pages during that time showed that X appeared to be working fine in other locations such as the US, UK, Australia, and others.