WhatsApp is introducing a redesigned chat list interface for Android users through its latest beta update, version As reported by WaBetaInfo, this feature is currently available to a limited group of beta testers, with a broader rollout expected soon. The update focuses on enhancing user experience by making the interface more intuitive and customisable.

Building on earlier updates that allowed users to delete preset filters like "Unread" and "Groups," the latest version simplifies managing and creating custom chat lists.

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WhatsApp New Feature: What's New?

Users can now delete preset filters by tapping and holding on them, then selecting the delete option. Additionally, restoring deleted filters is easier, thanks to new action buttons that allow reinstatement with a single tap. The revamped interface prominently displays primary filters like “Favorites” and “Various Conversations” at the top of the screen for quick access. Below these, a new button enables users to create custom chat lists more seamlessly. The updated design aligns with WhatsApp's modern aesthetic, ensuring a more streamlined and cohesive look throughout the app.

The interface for creating, managing, and deleting chat lists has undergone a redesign, aligning it with the visual style of other app sections like “Security” and “Mail” settings. This updated layout prioritises simplicity, enabling users to navigate more intuitively and access key features with ease. The goal of this redesign is to provide a more streamlined and efficient way for users to organise their conversations.

Currently, the new interface is available to beta testers, but a wider rollout is expected in the near future. Some users on stable versions of WhatsApp might also receive early access to these changes before the official release. This update reflects WhatsApp’s commitment to continuously refining its user interface and enhancing the app's functionality for a smoother user experience.