New Delhi: Aiming to make it easier to manage group chats better, Meta, formerly Facebook-owned WhatsApp is working to introduce a tool that is similar to Slack and will work by bringing together separate groups under one umbrella. According to company CEO Mark Zuckerberg, it is starting to test a "major evolution" of WhatsApp. Called WhatsApp Communities, the tool is being tested and will be rolled out slowly for users globally.
"Communities on WhatsApp will enable people to bring together separate groups under one umbrella with a structure that works for them. That way people can receive updates sent to the entire Community and easily organise smaller discussion groups on what matters to them. Communities will also contain powerful new tools for admins, including announcement messages that are sent to everyone and control over which groups can be included," WhatsApp wrote in a blog post late on Thursday.
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The tool would allow community administrators to send messages to all groups or control which groups are alerted. The introduction of this tool would mark WhatsApp's entry into the territory of workplace tools where Slack dominates.
"...That way people can receive updates sent to the entire Community and easily organize smaller discussion groups on what matters to them. Communities will also contain powerful new tools for admins, including announcement messages that are sent to everyone and control over which groups can be included," the company added.
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WhatsApp Communities is being currently tested and the Zuckerberg-owned company would focus on building new features to support groups in the months to come.