Twitter chief Elon Musk sold almost 631 items on Wednesday from the company’s San Francisco headquarters in an auction that lasted more than 24 hours. A Twitter bird statue fetched $100,000 among all the other items that included furniture, decorations, kitchen equipment, and more, reported news agency AFP.

The "surplus corporate office assets of Twitter" also featured a 10-foot neon light in the shape of Twitter's bird logo, which raked in a winning bid of $40,000, the report said citing Heritage Global Partners auction service.

The other items that went under the hammer included espresso machines, ergonomically correct desks, televisions, bicycle-powered charging stations, pizza ovens, and a decorative planter shaped like an "@" sign, the report added.

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However, Heritage Global Partners representative told Fortune magazine last month that “this auction has nothing to do with their financial position."

A 190cm (6ft) planter in the shape of an @ symbol finished near $15,000 (£12,160), according to the BBC, which tracked some of the prices just before closing. A custom reclaimed wood conference room table closed for nearly $10,500 (£8,510). In December, Musk noted that severe cost cuts at Twitter were able to tackle the company's dire finances amid his search for a new CEO.

Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion in October after partly financing the deal with almost $13 billion of debt that entailed interest repayments of around $1.5 billion a year. Since then, Musk is trying to revamp the social-media platform, which he has said is at risk of going bankrupt and was losing $4 million a day as of early November.

Since Musk took control of the platform, Twitter has seen almost 5,000 of its 7,500 employees either fired or left the company. The new chief called for a 'hardcore' work environment for the remaining workforce.

Twitter's revenue for the fourth quarter fell about 35 percent to $1.025 billion, the report cited a top ad executive saying at a staff meeting, the report cited the Information on Wednesday.