New Delhi: Aiming to give users more power over when they want to load new tweets, Twitter will stop automatically refreshing timelines for the web client. The micro-blogging site has announced an update to the disappearing Tweet experience which is now rolling out for all. 

"An update to the disappearing Tweet experience is rolling out for web! Now you can choose when you want new Tweets to load into your timeline –– click the Tweet counter bar at the top," Twitter Support recently tweeted.

The company had earlier acknowledged that it was a frustrating experience and that it was working towards changing it.

Earlier in September, the company had said that over the next two months, it will roll out updates to the way it shows users Tweets so they don't disappear.

Meanwhile, Twitter recently also announced it was working to offer full-sized images for its web client. The new update intends to let users see the full picture without having to click on it. The feature appears to be rolling out globally for all users.

Twitter, earlier in March, began testing a new way to display standard aspect ratio photos in full on iOS and Android, meaning without the saliency algorithm crop. The goal of this was to give people more control over how their images appear while also improving the experience of people seeing the images in their timeline.