Bengaluru has been recognised as the seventh-best city in the world for artificial intelligence (AI), achieving an impressive aggregate score of 4.64. A part of research by, based on metrics such as availability of jobs and level of salary, this ranking highlights cities heavily invested in AI, where opportunities for AI jobs are abundant, salaries are high, and numerous AI institutions are located. 

While Bengaluru is part of the top 10 global hubs, it should be noted that it is also the cheapest in terms of salaries paid to job categories such data scientists, machine learning, and AI specialists.

Top 10 Global AI Hubs

Leading the list is Boston, US, named the top AI hub for 2024. Boston's strong position is attributed to its high salaries in the AI sector, a significant number of available jobs, and prominent AI research institutions. The city garnered a top score of 6.26.

Cities Available AI jobs on Indeed Number of AI companies on Crunchbase Data Scientist Salary (in USD) Machine Learning Salary (in USD) AI specialist Salary (in USD) Number of AI Institutions Composite score Composite score
Boston, US 751 626 134329 136350 132579 3 0.626 6.26
Singapore 1128 666 77462 132556 158097 3 0.592 5.92
Tel Aviv, Israel 185 631 137569 162378 132579 2 0.562 5.62
Zurich, Switzerland 71 181 115760 132391 182173 3 0.551 5.51
Toronto, Canada 527 519 102060 133615 121769 4 0.531 5.31
Berlin, German 454 526 74789 69669 76540 9 0.502 5.02
Bengaluru, India 1324 759 21192 13421 15381 9 0.464 4.64
Beijing, China 249 518 64562 68,969 151994 6 0.446 4.46
Seoul, South Korea 83 896 74600 61300 53736 3 0.368 3.68
Tokyo, Japan 98 862 48345 520633 44396 2 0.272 2.72
Cambridge, UK 166 269 58682 71163 75474 4 0.239 2.39

Asia makes a significant showing in the rankings, with five of the top ten cities located on the continent. Notably, India and Berlin share the highest number of AI research institutions among the listed cities.

Singapore ranks second globally with a score of 5.92. Known for its competitive salaries and substantial job opportunities in AI, Singapore is only surpassed by Zurich in terms of the average salary for AI specialists, offering $132K annually.

Tel Aviv, Israel, takes the third spot with a score of 5.62. The city is noted for offering the highest salaries to data scientists, averaging $137K annually, surpassing even Boston.

In fourth place is Zurich, Switzerland, scoring 5.55. Zurich is distinguished by its leading AI research institutions such as ETH Zurich and offers the highest average salary for AI specialists at $182K per year.

Toronto, Canada, ranks fifth with a score of 5.02, offering the third-highest salaries for machine learning specialists. Berlin, Germany, follows closely in sixth place, also with a score of 5.02. Berlin is renowned for having the highest number of AI research institutions, including the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD).

Bengaluru, besides its seventh position overall, stands out for its numerous AI jobs and extensive research institutions. Beijing, China, comes in eighth with a score of 4.46, noted for its prominent AI research facilities and competitive salaries.

Seoul, South Korea, is ninth, scoring 3.68, and boasts the highest number of AI companies. Tokyo, Japan, rounds out the top ten with a score of 2.72, hosting the second-highest number of AI research institutions, after Seoul.

How Did Conduct The Survey?

The rankings were compiled by, an AI link automation platform, which evaluated cities based on metrics such as available AI jobs, average salaries for key AI positions, the number of AI research institutions, government investment, and cost of living.

Data for the study was sourced from various local government websites, normalised, and combined into a composite score for each city.