Mark Zuckerberg made his first tweet in over ten years, playfully teasing Twitter owner Elon Musk on the same day that Meta Platforms introduced Threads, a highly anticipated alternative to Musk’s microblogging platform. Zuckerberg, who isn’t usually known to post memes on social media, mirrored Musk’s eccentric style with his tweet. Furthermore, Zuckerberg has gone on a ‘threading’ spree (if posting a tweet is tweeting, why can’t we call its counterpart threading?) on his newly launched platform, responding to several celebrity users since its launch.

Instagram, the Meta-owned photo-sharing platform, officially launched Threads on July 6, which is touted to pose a significant challenge to Musk's struggling social media platform. Shortly afterwards, Zuckerberg shared a photo on Twitter depicting two identical Spider-Men in a confrontation.

This tweet from Zuckerberg seems to be his first since 2012, as he rarely posts on the platform. It comes two weeks after Musk challenged him to a cage fight. 

Musk responded with a retort about Instagram.

Unlike Musk, who is popular for his regular eccentric tweets, Zuckerberg isn’t known to be too active on social media. He usually posts updates on Meta products on his Facebook page, and from time to time, shares photos or videos of his family outings and July 4th celebrations. 

However, since the launch of Threads, Zuckerberg has been actively replying to friends and celebrities on the platform — almost mirroring Musk’s replies section on Twitter. 

Of course, it isn’t hard to figure out that this is just a move to promote Threads. However, it’s interesting to see how Zuckerberg is mirroring his biggest social media rival of late, in a move to capture more and more users. 

Zuckerberg did post, "Threads just passed 2 million sign-ups in the first two hours." So, it remains to be seen if Threads will indeed be able to take the right steps in areas where Twitter faltered. 

Since Musk acquired the company for $44 billion in October last year, Twitter has laid off numerous employees, relaxed content moderation policies, and faced technical difficulties that affected users and advertisers. In a recent controversial policy change, Twitter imposed a limit on the number of daily tweets users can view — a measure Musk referred to as "temporary" to combat data scrapers and bots.

Zuckerberg expressed his desire for a public conversation platform with over one billion users in a Threads post, highlighting Twitter's missed opportunity in achieving this goal. He hopes that Threads will succeed in filling this void.

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