New Delhi: As the year draws to a close, we have come to know about the most used password in India. Despite repeated warnings and suggestions of using strong passwords, the most-used used password used in India is 'password', and the time to crack it is under one second, a new report by cybersecurity company NordPass says.

The other most-common passwords are 12345 and 123456, followed by 123456789. Some of the other commonly used passwords used in India include qwerty and abc123.

All of the mentioned passwords, with the exception of india123, can be cracked in less than one second, according to the global password manager.

Other common passwords used by people in India are 'iloveyou', 'krishna', and 'sairam', among others. Names and loving words were rather popular in India both among men and women.

"Passwords such as 12345 and variations of qwerty were ranked high up in the lists. Worldwide, these combinations are also quite popular, as well as localised versions of qwerty (for example, aazerty' in French-speaking countries)," the research showed.

India is one of only a few countries that has a different number one password -- 'password', whereas 43 out of 50 analysed countries had '123456' as the number one password.

'Qwerty' and its variations are particularly popular in India. "In addition to that, other letter combinations, formed by hitting the keyboard in vertical or horizontal order are very popular," the researchers noted.

The research also highlighted how weak the top passwords, are indicating the time it would take the hacker to crack that password.

"Overall, in India, 62 passwords out of the 200 can be cracked in less than a second. That's 31 per cent whereas globally, the percentage is 84.5 per cent.

"Unfortunately, the passwords keep getting weaker and people still don't maintain proper password hygiene," says Jonas Karklys, CEO of NordPass.