Tesla owner Elon Musk on Monday shared a video on X (formerly Twitter) in which he showcased the toughness of the Cybertruck. This video brought back memories from the time when Musk was officially presenting the Cybertruck to the world and during the presentation he threw a metal ball at the windows and the glass shattered. The users in the comments also recalled the incident. A user named Tesla Owners Silicon Valley shared this video in the comments.

Nonetheless, there were still many who were amazed by the toughness of the car and appreciated Musk for the same. It withstood blades, bullets, hammers and whatnot. Elon Musk while sharing the video wrote, "Other trucks look badass, Cybertruck actually is."

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Elon Musk's Cybertruck Downfall & Its Recovery 

Back in 2019, Elon Musk showcased a demonstration intended to show the strength of the 'armour glass' windows on Tesla's first pickup truck. In order to show the strength, a decent-sized metal ball was thrown at the window. Rather than the window withstanding the damage, it shattered. 

Musk was a bit taken aback by this but he tried to play it cool. He said, "It didn't go through."

He asked his team member to attempt to throw the metal ball at the rear window. His team member did what he asked and the rear window shattered again.

Recently around seven months ago, Elon Musk again drew all the attention towards Tesla when he put the Cybertruck through the same test again. This time, things were different though. The Cybertruck aced the test and succeeded in showing its strength. Tesla Cybertruck's price currently starts at $81,895 and goes up to $101,985 in the USA depending on the trim and options.

The same team member returned to test the might of the Cybertruck. Check out the video below.

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