Telegram Premium will be the new paid subscription from the encrypted messaging platform founded by Pavel Durov, the company founder has officially announced. According to Durov, Telegram Premium will be a subscription plan and it will launch this month and it will allow anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources. Durov also noted that all existing features on Telegram will remain free and plenty of new free features will be added in the future too coming.

"Since the day Telegram was launched almost 9 years ago, we've been giving our users more features and resources than any other messaging app. A free app as powerful as Telegram was revolutionary in 2013 and is still unprecedented in 2022. To this day, our limits on chats, media and file uploads are unrivaled," Durov wrote in a blog post.

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Users worldwide have been asking Telegram to raise the current limits even further, so the company looked into ways to let users go beyond what is already available. However, Telegram noted that if it was to remove all limits for everyone, its server and traffic costs would have become unmanageable, so the "party would be unfortunately over" for everyone.

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"After giving it some thought, we realized that the only way to let our most demanding fans get more while keeping our existing features free is to make those raised limits a paid option. That's why this month we will introduce Telegram Premium, a subscription plan that allows anyone to acquire additional features, speed and resources. It will also allow users to support Telegram and join the club that receives new features first," the Telegram founder added.

What is Telegram Premium and who can use it?

Telegram Premium is a subscription based offering from the encrypted messaging service. The existing features on Telegram will remain free and those who want to use "extra features" can subscribe to the premium paid service.

Telegram had started testing the waters for ways to generate revenue few weeks back as the encrypted messaging app began beta testing of the iOS app with more stickers and more emojis that were made available for Telegram Premium subscribers. The paid version of Telegram for iPhone users with more emojis and stickers was made available in version 8.7.2 and it was first spotted by Android Police.