New Delhi: Encrypted messaging app Telegram Messenger, in its latest monthly update, is rolling out two important features called Delete By Date and Protected Content, in a bid to improve content management in Groups and Channels. The new Protected Content feature will help creators protect the content they publish on the platform and ensure that it is available only for their intended audience Delete by Date feature will enable users to easily find and delete date-specific chats from the history.

"Telegram pioneered the art of multiple devices with robust security and privacy for users, and now they have added another layer of security to it by providing access to device login details from a specific device and options such as automatically logout due to an inactive session," the company said in a statement.

The new updates are also intended to enhance the overall experience for Android and iOS users globally. 

Protected Content in Groups and Channels on Telegram                                   

Group and Channel owners who want to keep their content members-only can restrict message forwarding from their chat on Telegram. This also prevents screenshots and limits the ability to save media from posts.

Telegram's latest update will let users clear chat history from a specific day or date range in any one-on-one chat. The messaging app has enabled this feature to allow free-hand accessibility and control to users over their chat data.