New Delhi: Meta on Thursday appointed Saugato Bhowmik as the Director of CPG, Auto and D2C industry vertical in India. Bhiwmick will drive the strategy and solutioning that is focused on the company’s largest consumer goods and auto advertisers. Saugato’s appointment comes on the back of a series of senior leadership recruitments over the past few months across business, policy, and partnerships, demonstrating the company’s expanding charter and commitment to India.

As a part of his role, he will spearhead the Meta's strategic relationship with the country’s leading consumer goods companies and auto businesses, as well as the exciting charter of direct-to-consumer businesses. He will report to Arun Srinivas, Director and Head of Global Business Group at Meta in India.

“The consumer goods and auto industries in India are on the cusp of a massive transformation as they transition to online with businesses building new ways of reaching their customers. We play a pivotal role in this journey as many of the brands in this space are using our apps to go direct-to-consumer. We are thrilled to welcome Saugato as he joins our team to lead this exciting mandate and to shape the role our apps can play in enabling the growth of some of India’s largest consumer goods and auto businesses," Arun Srinivas, Director and Head of Global Business Group at Meta in India, said in a statement.

Bhowmik comes with more than 20 years of experience in senior sales, marketing, and business strategy roles at leading CPG companies such as Dabur and Unilever. He has also held key leadership positions at Viacom18 Media, where he also launched Voot Kids OTT. His last assignment was with Red Bull, where he was the Chief Marketing Officer for India.