New Delhi: In a series of Twitter account hackings, Punjab Congress’ official Twitter account has become the next target as the timeline has been spammed with tagging random users. The location has also been changed to ‘Metaverse’ by the hacker. 

A tweet whihc has been made with a GIF and is pinned on the profile, reads: “In celebration for the reveal of the Beanz Official Collection, we have opened up an airdrop to all active NFT traders in the community for the next 24 hours! Claim Your Beanz. Take the red bean fren.”

The Punjab Congress’ official Twitter account has around 184 thousand followers which is yet to be restored at the time of writing this report. 

It is interesting to note that three government official Twitter accounts have been hacked in last three days. 

The official Twitter account of the Indian Meteorological Department was also hacked on Saturday with a similar tweet appearing on its timeline as Punjab Congress’. MD Director-General Mrutyunjay Mahapatra had said that the Twitter account “has been hacked, we are trying to restore it."

Notably, on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday, the official Twitter account of the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's Office (CMO) was hacked by unidentified miscreants. However, the UP CMO's Twitter account was restored later. The Uttar Pradesh government has initiated a probe by cyber security experts over the matter.

University Grant Commission’s official Twitter account was also in the fray when it was hacked in the early hours of Sunday as the hackers changed the display picture and background picture of the account. The hacker had made a series of tweets tagging hundreds of users.