Internet has revolutionized the way we live and interact, providing endless opportunities for education, communication, and entertainment. However, with an increasing dependence on technology, children are becoming more vulnerable to the dangers of the cyber world. 

With the proliferation of technology and the Internet, children are increasingly exposed to online risks and are often more vulnerable to online threats and risks than adults. Children may not have the same level of experience or judgment as adults when it comes to navigating the internet, and they may be more trusting of people they meet online. As a result, they may be more prone to falling victim to online scams and other online dangers such as: 


One of the primary concerns for children’s cyber safety is cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as the use of technology, such as social media, texting, or messaging apps, to bully, harass, or intimidate others. Cyberbullies can hide behind their screens, often anonymously, and harass and intimidate their victims through social media, texting, and online gaming. Cyberbullying can have severe physical and emotional consequences on children.

Online Predators

Another concern for child cyber safety is online predators. Online predators are individuals who use the internet to lure children into inappropriate or dangerous situations, such as sexual exploitation or abduction.

Inappropriate Online Content

Children may also be exposed to inappropriate content online. This can include explicit or violent imagery, pornography, and other age-inappropriate material.

Identity Theft

Children may also be at risk of identity theft, as they often lack the knowledge and awareness to protect their personal information online. Predators may use this information to impersonate the child or commit fraud. Children may also inadvertently share too much information online, leading to their personal information being accessed by unauthorized individuals.

Online Radicalization

In addition to these risks, children may also be exposed to online radicalization, where they are influenced by extremist ideologies and persuaded to engage in harmful activities. This can occur through social media and online communities and can lead to children participating in activities such as terrorism or self-harm.

Sexual Exploitation

One major concern for children online is the risk of sexual exploitation. Predators can easily access and manipulate children through social media and chatrooms, posing as someone they are not and luring them into harmful situations. Children may also accidentally stumble upon inappropriate content online, leading to exposure to sexual themes and language at a young age.


It is important to regularly review and update your child's cyber safety measures. By following these measures, you can help ensure that your children have a safe and positive online experience:

Set limits on device use

It is important to set limits on the amount of time children spend online and on digital devices. 

Monitor online activity

Regularly checking in on your child's online activity can help you stay informed about what they are doing and who they are interacting with online. 

Use parental controls

Many devices and internet service providers offer parental controls that allow you to block inappropriate content and limit the amount of time children can spend online.

Educate children about online safety

It is important to educate children about the risks of being online and how to protect themselves. This includes teaching them not to share personal information, such as their name, address, or phone number, with anyone they don't know online. Encourage them to have open communication with you.

Be aware of phishing scams

Teach your children about phishing scams and how to recognise them. Phishing scams are fraudulent emails or websites that try to trick people into giving away personal information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.

Reporting inappropriate or illegal content

If your child encounters inappropriate or illegal content online, you can report it to the website or service where it was found, or to law enforcement or a child protection agency.

Seeking legal remedies

If your child has been the victim of online harassment, cyberbullying, or other harmful online activity, you may seek legal remedies. There are several legal provisions in India that provide protection to children online: 
a. The Information Technology Act, 2000: This act provides for punishment for publishing or transmitting sexually explicit material in electronic form. 
b. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012: This act provides for punishment for sexual offences against children and also for storing, distributing or sharing child pornography. 
c. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015: This act provides for the protection of children from all forms of abuse, exploitation and neglect, including online exploitation.
d. The Indian Penal Code, 1860: This act provides for punishment for various offences such as obscenity, stalking, voyeurism, etc. which may be committed online against children. 

To protect children from these dangers, it is essential for parents to educate them on Internet safety and establish rules and boundaries for their online activity. In addition to education and prevention, it is important for law enforcement and government organizations to address the issue of online child exploitation and to work towards stricter implementation of laws and regulations and the establishment of dedicated task forces to investigate and prosecute these crimes.

Overall, it is crucial for children to be protected from the dangers of the internet. While the internet provides endless opportunities and benefits, it is important for parents, educators, and lawmakers to be aware of the risks and to take steps to ensure the safety and well-being of children online.

(The author is a practising advocate in the Supreme Court and founding partner of the law firm, Ark Legal. She can be contacted on Twitter: @advocatekhushbu)

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