Telecom operator Reliance Jio on Saturday said that it would bring 5G to the entire country, including rural areas by December 2023. Chairperson of Reliance Industries, Mukesh Ambani said at the sixth edition of India Mobile Congress (IMC) 2022: “I make a promise to deliver 5G to every town, every taluka by December 2023."
Ambani mentioned that 5G is much more than the next generation, and called it the foundational technology to unlock other technologies such as AI, AR/VR, blockchain and metaverse.
"My hearty congratulations to DoT and COAI for organising the sixth edition of the Indian Mobile Congress. I can whole-heartedly say today that as the Indian telecom industry, what we have demonstrated, I feel very proud. And to both COAI and DoT I can say that we are now ready to take leadership and the Indian Mobile Congress should now become the Asian Mobile Congress and the Global Mobile Congress," Ambani said during the launch of 5G.
"Today, I want to reiterate Jio’s commitment to deliver 5G to every town, every taluka, and every tehsil of our country by December 2023. Most of Jio’s 5G is developed in India, and hence carries the stamp of Atmanirbhar Bharat," Ambani added.
The cumulative economic impact of 5G on the country is estimated to reach $ 450 billion by 2035. Capable of supporting ultra-high-speed internet, the fifth generation or 5G service is expected to unleash new economic opportunities and societal benefits, serving as a transformational force for Indian society.
Earlier this week, telecom major Jio also invited 5G enthusiasts to experience the first "Jio true 5G" demonstration at IMC 2022. The company had tweeted on Thursday: "You are invited for the first Jio True 5G demonstration at India Mobile Congress. Join us and experience the new possibilities of 5G technology for India & all Indians. 1-4 October, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi."