New Delhi: Meta, formerly Facebook, is taking a break from its Facebook F8 developer conference this year, the company has announced while adding that it is "pausing" the annual event to focus on metaverse. The social networking giant added that it would connect with developers at its other events this year, including the newly-announced inaugural Conversations event that is slated to be held on May 19 virtually.
"Similar to years past, we are taking a brief break in programming and will not hold F8 in 2022 while we gear up on new initiatives that are all tailored towards the next chapter of the internet, and the next chapter of our company too: building the metaverse. Similar to the early stages of the web, building the metaverse will be a collaborative effort at every stage – with other companies, creators and developers like you," Diego Duarte Moreira, Director of Products and Partnerships, Meta, wrote in a blog post.
"We’re excited to connect with you at our other developer events throughout the year, including our inaugural business messaging event, Conversations, on May 19, which you can learn more about and register here to receive event updates," Moreira added.
Meta noted that it is also looking forward to connecting with its users and enthusiasts at its Connect conference later this year, where it will share the latest on its VR, AR, and metaverse platform offerings.
Other big tech conferences are slated to be held in the coming months, including Google's annual I/O event that is set to take place on May 11 and May 12. The conference will take place fully online. However, according to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet and Google, some of the event will be streamed live from the Shoreline Amphitheatre, a frequent Google I/O venue.