Meta is under scrutiny for allegedly using user-generated content from its platforms, Facebook and Instagram, to train its artificial intelligence models, including the Llama AI, without user consent. This raises concerns that personal photos, vacation snapshots, and other content shared since 2007 may be contributing to the algorithms that shape users' online experiences.

Initially, Meta's global privacy director, Melinda Claybaugh, denied these claims. However, further questioning revealed that user data dating back to 2007 has indeed been utilised for training AI systems.

ALSO READ: Whose Data Is It Anyway? Zuckerberg's Meta Has Been Scraping All Your Public Posts Since 2007 To Train AI

How Do You Delete Information From With Meta AI Chats?

Meta has provided users with options to manage their interactions with AI across its messaging platforms — Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp. If an AI misrepresents information about a user, such as their movie preferences, users can correct it directly in the chat. The AI is designed to adjust its responses based on this new information.

For those wishing to reset the AI's knowledge about them, users can delete any saved details and previous conversation contexts. It’s important to note that while deleting chats in WhatsApp only removes messages from the app, additional commands are necessary to erase AI-related information from Meta's servers.

To reset an individual AI chat, users can type the command /reset-ai in Messenger, Instagram, or WhatsApp. This command clears the AI’s memory of the chat while retaining the user's copy of the conversation. For a broader reset that affects all AIs in an app, including those in group chats, users can use the command /reset-all-ais, which similarly deletes AI-held information but does not affect the user’s chat history.

After employing these commands, users can further remove the chat from their view by following the app's standard chat deletion process.