Microsoft-owned LinkedIn is working to introduce a feature that will let users schedule their posts, the media has reported. According to social media consultant and famed tipster Matt Varra, the feature is definitely coming to LinkedIn.

"LinkedIn is rolling schedule posts feature. Currently available on Android and web only. Look out for the clock icon to schedule your next post," he posted on Twitter. He witnessed the post-scheduling feature inside the Android app and on the LinkedIn website too.

When the user clicks on the clock icon, they are presented with an option to choose a specific date and half-hourly slot that they want to schedule their post for, says a report by TechCrunch.

Microsoft-owned LinkedIn now has more than 875 million members, with international growth increasing at nearly 2x the pace as in the United States. There are now more than 150 million subscriptions to newsletters on LinkedIn, up 4x year over year.

"New integrations between Viva and LinkedIn Learning helped companies invest in their existing employees by providing access to courses directly in the flow of work. Members added 365 million skills to their profiles over the last 12 months, up 43 per cent year over year," according to the company.

It should be noted that other social networking sites like Meta-owned Facebook and Twitter (via Tweetdeck) already provide the ability to schedule posts. Gmail, which is perhaps the world's most popular emailing service also provides the option to schedule emails.

Several third-party apps such as Buffer and Hootsuite also offer the ability to schedule their posts on professional networking site LinkedIn. 

Meanwhile, a recent survey conducted by LinkedIn says sharing pay information at the workplace is considered taboo in India with just 1 in 10 professionals or 13 per cent saying they would discuss their salaries with coworkers they trust and nine per cent saying they would discuss with peers they trust in other companies.

According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn between June to September 2022, 61 per cent of professionals in India are more comfortable sharing their pay details with a family member while 25 per cent would share them with their close friends.