Elon Musk's social media platform X has reinstated the account of American rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, eight months after it was suspended because the rapper had violated the platform's rules prohibiting incitement to violence, Reuters reported. However, Ye won't be eligible to monetise his account on X, Reuters added citing a Wall Street Journal report. Advertisements will also not appear next to his posts, the WSJ report said citing the social media platform, stated Reuters.
Notably, Ye's account now shows his last post from Dec. 2, when his account was suspended on platform X.
X is the new name owner Elon Musk has given to Twitter.
The report, citing a person familiar with the matter, says that the reinstatement happened after receiving reassurance from him that he wouldn't use the platform to share antisemitic or otherwise harmful language. Since coming back again, Ye has not posted anything on the micro-blogging platform.
His account was suspended last year, just two months after it was reinstated after he posted an image showing a swastika symbol inside a Star of David. The tweet with the Nazi symbol drew massive criticism and was later deleted.
However, Elon Musk later confirmed that the rapper’s account would be suspended in response to a user’s tweet that read, "Elon, Fix Kanye Please."
Musk replied, “I tried my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against incitement to violence. Account will be suspended.”
Musk had previously reinstated former US President Donald Trump's account after conducting a poll in which some 14.8 million Twitter users had voted. Around 51.8 per cent voted in favor of the reinstatement.
But Trump said that he had no interest in returning to Twitter and would remain active on his new platform Truth Social.
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