Reliance Jio servers were briefly down across India, as users were unable to access Internet services on Wednesday morning. Internet services tracker Downdetector showed high instances of users reporting issues in accessing Jio's broadband and Internet services. While the outage reports started pouring in on Twitter at around 10 am IST, ABP Live could confirm that Jio broadband services were resumed at around 11:30 am, as the company fixed a server issue that was impacting services across the country.
As per Downdetector, Jio outage cases started spiking in the country at around 10 am. As of 11:05 am, over 300 users reported severe issues with Jio's connectivity. Nearly 59 percent of users reported issues with mobile Internet connectivity.
According to Downdetector's live outage map, the Jio outage appeared to be affecting several cities, including the likes of Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Chennai.
Several users took to Twitter to voice their concern and frustration regarding the latest Jio outage. While some reported issues with Internet access, some noted that they were unable to access the company's customer care services.