By Samaresh Datta

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, often abbreviated as 4IR or referred to as Industry 4.0, encapsulates the rapid and transformative technological advancements, industrial changes, and shifts in societal patterns and processes in the 21st century. This dynamic transformation is a result of the growing interconnectivity and intelligent automation shaping various aspects of our lives. The term gained widespread recognition in 2015, thanks to Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. Since then, it has become a commonly used concept in economic, political, and scientific discourse, symbolising the current era marked by the emergence of cutting-edge technologies.

Let’s understand the journey so far:

The first industrial revolution (Industry 1.0) began in 18th-century England. The second industrial revolution (Industry 2.0) began in the 19th century. It mainly occurred in Germany, America and Britain. 

The third industrial revolution (Industry 3.0) is still present even today. In fact, most modern-day factories and production industries are currently at this evolution level, marked by the introduction of automation and computerisation in manufacturing processes. One such widely used technology is PLC which stands for Programmable Logic Controller. PLCs are specialised small-sized modular computers used to control and automate machinery in manufacturing environments. They can be programmed to execute specific tasks, monitor processes and make decisions based on input data, making them essential for streamlining production and improving overall industrial operations.

Industry 4.0 refers to the fourth industrial revolution, where advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, robotics and data analytics are integrated into manufacturing and production processes. It aims to create "smart factories" that are more efficient, automated and interconnected, leading to increased productivity, improved product quality and better decision-making.  IoT describes the network of physical objects - “Things” - that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet ( or communication network).

For many companies, Industry 4.0 is still the next step they should focus on, or the trend they are currently adopting their strategy to. While we are still in the middle of this fourth revolution, the next revolution is already well on its way — Industry 5.0.

Here we describe a cost-effective generic model which can be used to make a small step towards Industry 4.0 for monitoring harmful gases and managing incidences.

The Problem

In the industrial automation domain, monitoring and mitigating harmful gas emissions are critical for ensuring the safety and well-being of both personnel and the environment.

Industries commonly use different types of gas sensors throughout their facilities. Typically, these sensors operate independently and can only trigger sirens or alarms when they detect ambient gas levels surpassing a predetermined threshold. Unfortunately, this means that only nearby personnel will be alerted if they can hear the alarm. As a result, there can be delays in responding promptly to emergencies or disasters.

Using PLC-based solutions to monitor gas sensors has its limitations. These solutions lack comprehensive incidence management capabilities and restrict access beyond the boundaries of the PLC network. Moreover, they offer limited capabilities for enterprise-wide monitoring. Additionally, these solutions can be expensive, as they require sensors to be wired with PLCs using lengthy and costly signal wires.

The Solution

Introducing a tried and trusted machine-to-enterprise solution that is both cost-effective and dependable. This solution enables seamless connectivity between sensors and affordable Internet of Things (IoT) devices, supporting multi-channel communication through wired or wireless protocols. Through the development of a Web application, real-time sensor data can be conveniently displayed and stored in a database. This fosters two-way interactive collaboration for incident management, with a focus on preventing accidents caused by exposure to harmful gases and enhancing operational and maintenance procedures. This cutting-edge innovation offers capabilities comparable to traditional PLC solutions while remaining budget-friendly.

The proposed solution centres on affordable industrial-grade IoT transmitters that offer versatile communication options, such as traditional Wi-Fi, NBIOT and LoraWan. These transmitters can seamlessly connect with existing gas sensors that come with signal output. By acting as intermediaries between the sensors and IoT servers, they enable smooth and efficient data transmission.

Data Visualisation & Storage

A Web application can be created to visualise real-time data effectively. This application receives data from sensors through IOT transmitters and presents it in graphical formats like coloured dial gauges and line graphs. Additionally, the data is stored in a database, ensuring reliable and scalable storage for future analysis. These applications, along with IOT servers, can be deployed on the enterprise campus or leveraged through reputable cloud vendors to foster innovation and seamless scalability with a comprehensive range of IoT services.

Incidence Management & Alerting

When sensor readings surpass certain pre-set limits, the system will classify them as incidents. At this point, the Web application can trigger an alert message on WhatsApp or a voice call using Text-to-Speech APIs and the WhatsApp API. The alert may contain quick reply buttons to collect immediate feedback, which will then be updated in the backend incident record.

For remote supervisors or managers, integrating CCTV at the sensor location will enhance the ability to monitor the situation from a single window. As mentioned earlier, the digital output can be used to initiate a sequence of devices.

All of the above can be customised by respective enterprises to enforce their Standard Operating Procedures for handling and responding to gas emission incidents.

Comprehensive Incidence Record Maintenance

To enhance incident response, a dedicated page allows users to update the incident record with details, root cause analysis, investigation findings and status. This information empowers managers to analyse past incidences and take proactive measures to prevent unwanted gas leaks.

Safety and Efficiency Improvements

By providing real-time incident alerts and comprehensive incidence records, the proposed IoT-based model aims to prevent accidents resulting from harmful gas exposure. Additionally, the system facilitates process optimisation and maintenance improvements, leading to enhanced safety protocols and reduced environmental impact.

The low-cost machine-to-enterprise IoT-based monitoring solution presented in this research article offers a flexible and scalable approach for monitoring harmful gases in industrial settings. By enabling real-time data visualisation, incidence management and incident record maintenance, the system enhances safety, operational efficiency and environmental compliance. The integration of low-cost IOT transmitters, and Web applications provides a robust and accessible solution for industries seeking to improve their gas monitoring capabilities and incident response mechanisms.

(The author is the Senior General Manager-IT at Electrosteel Castings Ltd)

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