Just a week ago, the national capital witnessed the mercury almost touching the 50 degrees Celsius mark. Citizens were left with no other option than to bear with it. Humans are not alone in this journey though, unfortunately, our mobile phones are also going through the same struggle as we are. If we have to step out of the house and go somewhere on a motorcycle then if we don't remember the route exactly then we use our phone for GPS. During this usage, often our phones are fixed on the holder placed on the handle of our motorcycles. Those poor devices have to bear the heat of the sun directly.

This happens even more frequently in iPhones. You might've seen a message popping up on your iPhone screen which would've said something like "iPhone needs to cool down before you can use it." Even our phones are giving up in this scorching heat. If we take care of ourselves in this weather then should we not take care of our devices as well? Why be brutal and inhuman to those poor things? Let us go over some ways through which we can keep our mobile phones cool in this hot weather.

How To Keep Your Smartphone Cool

  • For starters, one can discontinue the usage of the gadget for some time if it feels like the device is overheating. We can switch it off and unplug it from the power source. By doing this, we are stopping the device from heating up further and we are allowing its internal components to cool down.

  • Terminating unnecessary applications and reducing the screen brightness.

  • Switching on airplane mode to minimise heat generation.

  • Place the smartphone in a covered and cool area. One should also remove the case to help dissipate heat faster.

  • Despite all this, it is still possible that our smartphone might catch fire, in those situations, we can use a fire extinguisher to douse the flames. Keep in mind that in no situation should you even think of using water to extinguish the fire.