Google Photos has rolled out a new and convenient feature called the 'Favourite' shortcut, designed to simplify photo sharing. With this feature, users can mark a particular person as their favourite, streamlining the process of sharing photos with them in high quality. Here's a breakdown of this new addition and tips on maximising its utility. The 'Favourite' shortcut essentially gives priority to a selected contact, ensuring that any shared photos are promptly sent to them at the best quality.

This allows users to effortlessly share cherished moments with their preferred recipient, eliminating any unnecessary steps. Let us now look at how we can use this feature.

How To Set Up 'Favourite' Shortcut

In order to utilise this feature, users first need to navigate to the 'Library' and then do the following:

  • Click on Utilities.

  • Add 'Favourite' shortcut.

  • Select the person they wish to designate as their favourite.

  • Once chosen, this person will be prominently displayed in the sharing menu to make it easy for you to share photos with them by doing just a few taps.

Notably, you can only have one favourite person at a time. If you wish to change your favourite contact, then you can do so by going to Settings and doing the following:

  • Click on 'Sharing'.

  • Click on 'Favourite contact'.

  • Set your preferred person in this and the process will be completed.

At present, this functionality is restricted to Android users who have the Google Photos app version 6.76 or newer installed. Furthermore, the OnePlus Photos app has been updated to include integration with Google Photos, enabling users to synchronise their photos with Google Photos directly from the OnePlus app. Users can activate this integration in the app's settings, facilitating the backup of their photos to Google Photos and granting access to their entire Google Photos library via the OnePlus application.

These improvements are aimed at streamlining the process of sharing photos and enhancing overall convenience and efficiency for users. Whether you're sharing special moments with your preferred contact or seamlessly backing up your photos, these features are intended to elevate your Google Photos experience.