New Delhi: In a bid to bring the latest Android 12's brilliant features to entry-level Android smartphones, Google has unveiled the Android 12 (Go edition) that will begin to roll out for low-end devices in 2022. Launched in 2017, the Android Go edition has hit the milestone of 200 million active users globally.
"With the recent release of Android 12 (Go edition), we’re building on what you care about — creating a faster, smarter and more privacy-friendly experience than ever before. We’re also making these phones more accessible by improving features for multilingual users and introducing new ones that keep data costs in mind," Charmaine D'Silva, Group Product Manager, Android, said in a statement late on Tuesday.
The Android 12 Go edition will start to roll out to users and some of the features are as follows:
Android 12 Go to save battery life, storage
Android 12 (Go edition) will automatically save battery life and storage by hibernating apps that haven’t been used for extended periods of time - which is particularly helpful for devices with limited storage capacity. Meanwhile, the updated Files Go app will allow you to recover files within 30 days, so you can confidently delete unnecessary files to free up space in the meantime.
Better privacy control on Android 12 Go
Android 12 (Go edition) will give you more transparency around apps that are accessing your data, and more controls to decide how much private information your apps can access. To do this, Google is bringing a new privacy dashboard. You’ll see a snapshot of which apps are accessing particular types of sensitive data, like the microphone, and revoke permissions if needed. And the new privacy indicator on your status bar will tell you when your apps are specifically accessing your microphone or camera
Faster app launches on Android 12 Go
Apps on your Android 12 (Go edition) device will launch up to 30 per cent faster and with smoother animation - meaning they’ll open instantly, with no more waiting on a blank screen. Google has also created the SplashScreen API so all developers can provide a consistently smooth experience when users launch their apps.
Easier app sharing on Android 12 Go
Apps are a core part of the smartphone experience, but downloading them can sometimes mean extra data charges. With Android 12 (Go edition), you’ll be able to save data by sharing apps directly with nearby devices using Nearby Share and Google Play.