The Vivo X200 series made its debut in India earlier this month, and it appears that Vivo is now gearing up to introduce the X200 Ultra. While the company has yet to reveal official details about the successor to the Vivo X100 Ultra, a recent leak has shed light on some of its camera features. The Vivo X200 Ultra is rumoured to include a triple rear camera setup, headlined by a powerful 200-megapixel sensor.
This advanced camera system is said to support 4K video recording at an impressive 120 frames per second (fps).
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Vivo X200 Ultra: Camera Specifications (Expected)
In a recent Weibo post, tipster Digital Chat Station revealed that the upcoming Vivo X200 Ultra might feature a triple rear camera system consisting of a 50-megapixel primary sensor, a 50-megapixel secondary sensor, and a 200-megapixel periscope lens. The primary camera is rumoured to include a wide-angle lens, while the secondary camera could have an ultra-wide lens. The 200-megapixel periscope camera is speculated to utilize Samsung's ISOCELL HP9 sensor.
Reports suggest that all three cameras on the Vivo X200 Ultra will support 4K video recording at 120fps. The main camera is also expected to feature a wide aperture and advanced stabilization technology. Additionally, the phone is rumoured to house Vivo's latest in-house imaging chip for enhanced photo and video capabilities. For reference, the Vivo X100 Ultra boasts a Zeiss-branded triple rear camera setup, including a 50-megapixel Sony LYT-900 sensor, a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 200-megapixel APO super-telephoto ISOCELL HP9 sensor, powered by the V3+ Blueprint imaging chip for 4K portrait video recording.
Meanwhile, the recently launched Vivo X200 series in India includes Zeiss-branded camera systems, with the Pro model featuring a 50-megapixel Sony LYT-818 sensor, a 50-megapixel wide-angle lens, and a 200-megapixel telephoto lens, all backed by a V3+ imaging chip.