Vivo might be planning to take on Apple soon. Vivo is set to enter the mixed reality (MR) headset market next year, as the company reportedly revealed during a recent event on Tuesday. The upcoming wearable device is expected to compete with other major players in the MR space, including Apple’s Vision Pro and Samsung’s Project Moohan, which was unveiled earlier this month.

While details about the headset remain scarce, Vivo plans to launch its mixed reality device in 2025, with the initial prototype anticipated to debut in the latter half of the year.

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Vivo Mixed Reality Headset: Here's What We Know

According to a recent post by tipster Digital Chat Station on the Chinese social media platform Weibo (translated from Chinese), Vivo’s upcoming MR headset is expected to share similarities with Apple’s Vision Pro. However, the device is rumoured to offer features that may surpass those of Apple’s headset.

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The first prototype of Vivo's mixed reality headset is speculated to be ready by September 2025 and will reportedly undergo "high-fidelity prototype experiences" across various cities in China by the end of the year. Details about the official launch date remain unclear. A report by Innogyan, citing a Vivo executive, suggests that the release will be contingent on the readiness of supporting content ecosystems.

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This announcement builds on Vivo’s confirmation of an MR headset during the Vivo Imaging Conference in China last July. At the time, Yu Meng, Vivo’s Vice President of Imaging, stated that the device is scheduled for a 2025 launch.