Handset maker Honor on Thursday launched the Honor Choice Earbuds X5 in India. The Honor Choice Earbuds X5 comes with an "eXtraordinary" audio experience, as the company calls it, featuring a 30dB Active Noise Cancellation (ANC). The ANC algorithm, combined with an in-ear engineering design, enhances the auditory experience by efficiently filtering and minimising ambient noise. Additionally, these earbuds feature advanced connectivity with Honor AI Space, ensuring seamless switching between two devices.
Honor Choice Earbuds X5 Price In India
The price of the Honor Choice Earbuds X5 in India has been set at Rs 1,999. It has been launched alongside the Honor X9b which comes in two colourways — Sunrise Orange (with a vegan leather back) and Midnight Black.
Honor Choice Earbuds X5 Specs, Features, More
Honot Choice Earbuds X5 claims to provide comfort with its lightweight in-ear design. Weighing just 4.26 grams per earbud, these earbuds provide a comfortable listening experience, thereby making them suitable for various activities. It is designed to withstand various environmental conditions and has an IP54 rating, which helps protect the earbuds against dust ingress and water splashes.
The device, for gaming enthusiasts, adds the low latency feature. The low latency feature of the earbuds ensures a quick response to every signal in the game, providing users with a competitive edge. This technology enhances user convenience by enabling a swift and effortless transition between, for example, a smartphone and a tablet. For a hands-free and enhanced calling experience, users can opt for the dual-microphone ENC feature to elevate noise reduction performance.
Making it an ideal choice for on-the-go lifestyles, Honor Choice Earbuds X5 comes with an extended, uninterrupted audio experience with a a claimed 35-hour battery life. With nine hours of continuous music playing on a single charge and the additional charging case, users can enjoy their favorite tunes throughout the day without worrying about running out of battery.
The Choice Earbuds X5 features a new dual-mode Bluetooth 5.3, which allows users to switch between devices effortlessly while enjoying a consistently stable connection. It enhances the earbuds' connectivity, providing a seamless experience whether switching between devices or during extended music sessions. Featuring a 10mm large-size composite diaphragm moving coil for a balanced and clear sound, AAC technology guarantees crystal-clear beats. With three EQ modes, each song transforms into a diverse and immersive experience.