One can unlock the console by simply pressing the (~) key which is above the 'Tab' key. This will allow you to change your stats, spawn monsters or weapons, speed up time, and whatnot.
Check out this list of cheat codes for Fallout 4 game.
Trying Fallout 4 after watching the web series on Prime and wondering if there are any cheat codes or not. There are a few cheat codes that will give you more control over the game. You can teleport from one place to another and can even bring NPCs back to life in the game. Irrespective of what reason you have for using these cheat codes, Fallout 4 cheats make the post-apocalyptic world your oyster and with these, you will be thriving like anything.
One can unlock the console by simply pressing the (~) key which is above the 'Tab' key. This will allow you to change your stats, spawn monsters or weapons, speed up time, and whatnot. All you will have to do is activate the console, type in the command and hit enter. Then close the console and watch how the magic happens. It is possible that you (~) key might not work depending on the regional settings of your keyboard, in that case, you can try hitting the apostrophe key.
Fallout 4 Console Commands
Completeallobjectives [Quest ID]: Complete all current objectives in a quest. Find quest IDs here.
Resetquest [Quest ID]: Reset a quest.
Completequest [Quest ID]: Complete a quest.
Caqs: This completes every step of the primary quest, effectively completing the game for you.
tm — Toggles menus and UI on and off. It even stops you from seeing the console, so you'll have to press tilde and type tm again blind to get the UI back.
Set timescale to [insert number here]: Speeds up or slows down time. The default setting is 16. One is real-time, and 10,000 is a crazy spectacular timelapse.
The cheat codes that we will see now will require you to know the game's ID number for specific items. In order to know how to get the IDs you need, you can check the "How to Find IDs" section below.
Fallout 4 Item Codes, Player And Inventory Console Commands
Player.modav [skill] [number]: With this, you can boost a skill by a numerical amount of your choosing.
Showlooksmenu player 1: It will reopen the character customisation menu so you can change your look.
Setgs fJumpHeightMin [insert number here]: This will modify your jump. You can set it really high to vault over buildings like the Incredible Hulk.
Player.resethealth: Resets your health.
Player.setrace [race id]: Change your race in the game.
Player.setav [character variable] [number]: You can set a character trait to a new value. Unlike Modav, this will unlock perks when you change your stats.
Tdetect: After this, the AI won't detect you anymore.
Player.additem [item ID] [number]: Add an item to your inventory. (See above for instructions for finding IDs.)
Player.additem 0000000a [insert number here]: Adds as many bobby-pins as you specify.
Player.setav speedmult [insert number here]: It will add a multiplier to your running speed, with hilarious consequences.
Player.additem 0000000f [insert number here]: It will add bottlecaps equal to the number you specify.
Player.setlevel [insert number]: Your level will be boosted to the number specified.
Akin to the item-related console commands, numerous NPC-related commands will require NPC IDs. In order to know how to get the IDs you need, check the "How to Find IDs" section below.
Fallout 4 NPC And Faction Console Commands
Kill [NPC ID]: Kills the creature with the specified ID, wherever they are. Alternatively, click on an NPC with the console open and just type 'kill.'
Killall: Kills everyone in the vicinity, apart from companions and any other characters deemed too vital to die. In that case, they will slump down injured until you give them a stimpack.
Resurrect [NPC ID]: Brings the creature with the specified ID back to life. Alternatively, select a dead NPC with the console open and just type 'resurrect.' If you resurrect a headless NPC, be aware that they're going to remain headless.
Recycleactor: Resets a character.
Setscale [number from 1 to 10]: Multiplies the physical scale of your selected target by the number specified.
Sexchange: Changes the sex of the selected character.
Unequipall: Unequip all items from the selected NPC.
Getav CA_affinity: Get the affinity level of your current companion.
Setav CA_affinity [number]: Sets your companion's affinity level to a number.
Modav CA_affinity [number]: Adds a number to your companion's affinity level.
Player.AddToFaction [faction id] [0 or 1]: Become allied with a faction. 0 is friendly, 1 is allied. Find faction IDs here.
Player.RemoveFromFaction [faction id]: Remove yourself from a faction.
Removefromallfactions: Removes the target from all factions.
Setally [faction id] [faction id] [0 or 1] [0 or 1]: Make two factions friendly (0) or allied (1).
Setenemy [faction id] [faction id] [0 or 1] [0 or 1]: Make two factions neutral (0) or enemies (1).
Tcai: Turns combat AI off. Brings peace to the world. Boring, boring peace.
Tai: Turns AI off and causes everyone to stand still with a vacant look on their face.