Intel Corp announced on Tuesday that it has entered into a collaboration with Ericsson, the Swedish telecommunications gear maker, to develop a specialised chip tailored for Ericsson's 5G networking equipment. This partnership will leverage Intel's most advanced manufacturing technology, marking a significant step for the company in regaining its lead in the semiconductor market, as reported by Reuters. In recent times, Intel has faced tough competition from rivals like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), causing them to lose their edge in producing the smallest and most power-efficient semiconductors.

However, the company's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, outlined a strategic plan in 2021 to reclaim their dominance by compressing five generations of chip manufacturing advancements into just four years.

The upcoming Ericsson chip will be crafted using Intel's cutting-edge "18A" manufacturing technology, and it represents one of the first instances where external customers will benefit from this advanced process. The joint effort between Intel and Ericsson aims to create a highly optimised and efficient chip that meets the demanding requirements of 5G networking infrastructure.

While the exact release date of the new chip remains undisclosed, Intel has previously shared that its "18A" manufacturing technology is expected to be fully operational by 2025. This suggests that the Ericsson-customised chip could potentially hit the market around that timeframe, pending successful development and testing.

The collaboration between Intel and Ericsson signifies a significant milestone for both companies. For Intel, it is a crucial step in their journey to reclaim the lead in semiconductor manufacturing technology, and for Ericsson, it represents an opportunity to further enhance their 5G networking solutions with a tailored chip. As the demand for 5G continues to surge globally, the success of this joint venture could have far-reaching implications for the telecommunications industry.

In conclusion, Intel's alliance with Ericsson to produce a custom 5G chip using their state-of-the-art manufacturing technology reflects their commitment to regain lost ground in the semiconductor market. With the chip's release expected within the next few years, the collaboration has the potential to drive innovation and shape the future of 5G networking technology.