The feud between Apple and Epic Games in the EU region has been going on for quite some time. The clash mainly has been about letting Epic Games have a marketplace on iOS devices as an alternative to the Apple App Store. Epic Games has been pushing for it for a long time and it has strengthened its efforts for the same especially after EU DMA was passed which made it mandatory for Apple to allow alternative marketplaces to App Store on iOS devices.

It seems like the fight between them is not over yet. The founder and CEO of Epic Games, Tim Sweeney, has recently said that the clash between them with regard to the EU Digital Markets Act (DMA) saga "has taken a turn towards the absurd." The EU DMA Act opened the gates for Epic Games to launch its own Epic Games Store on iOS. By doing this, the video game publisher would have been able to bring its popular game Fortnite back to the platform, with reduced commissions to Apple.

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Apple Gives Go Ahead But Still Holds Epic Games Back

Apple has rejected the submissions of Epic Games twice regarding their store. Recently it gave Epic Games the approval to go ahead with their store but, it still placed some conditions which put the video game publisher in a tough spot. The gaming company in a post on X said that the iPhone maker has told some press channels that they have approved the current EGS iOS App for notarisation but is still demanding Epic to change the user interface in a future version.

Epic Games' anger over the matter was quite visible when it posted about Apple's "arbitrary, obstructive" rejections. The CEO added, "Apple is now telling reporters that this approval is temporary and are demanding we change the buttons in the next version - which would make our store less standard and harder to use". He concluded by saying, "We'll fight this."