Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has expressed strong disapproval of administering puberty blockers to minors. Musk shared a personal narrative that he claims has shaped his perspective on the matter. During a recent interview with Canadian psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson, Musk described feeling misled into consenting for his child, Xavier, who now identifies as Vivian Jenna Wilson, to start using puberty blockers.

Musk attributed his child’s transition to what he described as the "woke mind virus," a term he has vowed to combat.

Here's the interview:

Musk Says Gender Transition Medical Procedures Are 'Evil'

The discussion touched on the ethics of medical procedures related to gender transition for children.

Both Musk and Peterson labelled these practices as "evil." Musk recounted his experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time of heightened uncertainty, where he felt coerced into signing consent forms under the threat of his child potentially committing suicide. Musk vehemently rejected this assertion, criticising the misinformation surrounding these treatments.

Describing the situation as "incredibly evil," Musk called for legal consequences for those promoting such treatments. He also criticised the term "gender-affirming care," labelling it as misleading. Musk expressed his grief, stating, "I lost my son, essentially. They call it deadnaming for a reason. My son Xavier is gone, lost to the woke mind virus."

The Puberty Blocker Debate

A preprint study from the Mayo Clinic earlier this year raised concerns about possible long-term fertility issues in boys treated with puberty blockers, challenging claims that these effects are reversible.

Peterson highlighted that the high suicide rates often cited in favour of these treatments may be more closely linked to underlying mental health issues rather than gender dysphoria itself. He criticised the medical community for advocating these treatments without robust evidence of their effectiveness.

Vivian Jenna Wilson, who publicly came out as transgender in June 2022, has distanced herself from her father, legally changing her name and expressing a desire to sever ties with him.

Adding to the discourse, author J.K. Rowling has also voiced concerns about early medical interventions for gender dysphoria. Rowling recently tweeted, "The vast majority of children grow out of gender dysphoria if allowed to go through puberty. The single best cure is letting nature take its course."

Musk aligned with Rowling’s viewpoint, arguing, "Almost every child experiences some form of identity crisis during puberty. It is deeply wrong to render them permanently infertile with 'puberty blockers.' If they still wish to transition as adults, they should be able to make informed decisions at that time."