New Delhi: After Jack Dorsey stepped down as CEO of Twitter on Monday, Indian-American Parag Agrawal, an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, was appointed the new CEO of the microblogging platform. Several other big technology companies are being run by CEOs who are either Indian, or of Indian origin, and Agrawal is the latest addition to the list. 

SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to twitter on Monday to praise Indian talent and said it greatly benefits the United States. He tweeted, "USA benefits greatly from Indian talent!"

His tweet was in response to a tweet a Patrick Collison, the CEO of the world's third-largest unicorn startup Stripe. Collision said it's "wonderful to watch the amazing success of Indians in the technology world", and congratulated Agrawal for being appointed the new CEO of twitter. Collison's tweet read, "Google, Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, Palo Alto Networks, and Twitter run by CEOs who grew up in India."

Here is Collison's tweet:

Big Tech Run By CEOs Who Grew Up In India

Google: Indian-American Sundar Pichai, born in Madurai, India, and an alumnus of IIT Kharagpur, has been the CEO of Alphabet Inc. and its subsidiary Google since October 2015.

Microsoft: Satya Nadella is an Indian-born American business executive, who has been the Chairman and CEO of Microsoft since February 2014.

Adobe: Indian-American Shantanu Narayen has been the Chairman, President, and CEO of Adobe since December 2007.

IBM: Arvind Krishna is an Indian American business executive serving as the Chairman and CEO of IBM since April 2020.

Palo Alto Networks: Nikesh Arora is an Indian American business executive who joined as Chairmanh and CEO of Israeli firm Palo Alto Networks in June 2018. 

Twitter: Indian-American Parag Agrawal was appointed the new CEO of Twitter on November 29, 2021, after Jack Dorsey stepped down as the CEO.