Amid the $44 billion chaotic acquisition of Twitter and the laying off of half of the micro-blogging site's 7,500 employees, Elon Musk, the new Twitter boss on Monday posted new Twitter rules while highlighting that the rules will "evolve over time". It should be noted that Twitter has faced criticism in the past, for the way it handled abusive behaviour and hateful content in the platform and it has been modifying its rules.

"Twitter rules will evolve over time, but they’re currently the following:," Musk posted alongside an updated list of Twitter rules.

The new Twitter rules mention that the platform's purpose is to serve the public conversation. "Violence, harassment and other similar types of behaviour discourage people from expressing themselves, and ultimately diminish the value of global public conversation". the company's new rules are meant to ensure all people can participate in public conversation freely and safely.

The company's new rules also highlight the importance of privacy, safety and authenticity. Here is the complete list of Twitter's new rules:

Twitter's new rules on safety

Violence: Users may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. Twitter also prohibits the glorification of violence. 

Terrorism/violent extremism: Users may not threaten or promote terrorism or violent extremism. 

Child sexual exploitation: The company have zero tolerance for child sexual exploitation on the platform. 

Abuse/harassment: Users may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm. 

Hateful conduct: Users may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.  

Perpetrators of violent attacks: Twitter will remove any accounts maintained by individual perpetrators of terrorist, violent extremist, or mass violent attacks, and may also remove Tweets disseminating manifestos or other content produced by perpetrators. 

Suicide or self-harm: Users may not promote or encourage suicide or self-harm. 

Sensitive media, including graphic violence and adult content: Users may not post media that is excessively gory or share violent or adult content within live video or in profile or header images. Media depicting sexual violence and/or assault is also not permitted.

Illegal or certain regulated goods or services: Users may not use our service for any unlawful purpose or in furtherance of illegal activities. This includes selling, buying, or facilitating transactions in illegal goods or services, as well as certain types of regulated goods or services.

Twitter's new rules on authenticity

Platform manipulation and spam: Users may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behaviour that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter.

Civic Integrity: You may not use Twitter’s services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections or other civic processes. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress participation or mislead people about when, where, or how to participate in a civic process. 

Misleading and Deceptive Identities: Users may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations to mislead, confuse, or deceive others, nor use a fake identity in a manner that disrupts the experience of others on Twitter. 

Synthetic and manipulated media: Users may not deceptively share synthetic or manipulated media that are likely to cause harm. In addition, we may label Tweets containing synthetic and manipulated media to help people understand their authenticity and to provide additional context. 

Copyright and trademark: Users may not violate others’ intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark. Learn more about our trademark policy and copyright policy.

Twitter's new rules on privacy

Private information: Users may not publish or post other people's private information (such as home phone number and address) without their express authorisation and permission. Twitter also prohibits threatening to expose private information or incentivising others to do so. 

Non-consensual nudity: Users may not post or share intimate photos or videos of someone that were produced or distributed without their consent.