New Delhi: As fresh COVID-19 cases dip below 1,000-mark in India, tech majors Google, Twitter and Apple have started to reopen their offices in the country. The tech giants are preparing their staffers to start reporting to the office for a few days a week, the media has reported. This comes days after Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal had announced in March that the company is reopening all offices, but allows work from home forever.
Tech behemoth Google has also reopened its India offices, but has left the decision of working from the office at their will. Starting next week, Apple employees will have to report to the office once a week, and starting in May, they will have to go to the office thrice a week, according to a report published in The Times Of India.
Earlier in March, Twitter CEO Agrawal announced reopening plans of all its offices and business travel globally as COVID-19 wanes, while also allowing work-from-home mode forever to employees willing to not come to office. Agrawal, in a statement, had said that Twitter's offices will reopen from March 15, 2022. "It's been almost two years since we closed our offices and travel, and !Meant. to announce that we're ready to fully open up business travel and all our offices around the world, Business travel is back effective immediately, and our office openings will start on March 15," Agrawal tweeted the statement from his Twitter handle.
Meanwhile, Meta, formerly Facebook, has also decided to stop insisting staffers to get COVID-19 booster jabs in order to enter its offices in the US. Amid rising cases of the Omicron variant of coronavirus, the social networking giant had announced that employees returning to the office would have to present proof of their booster COVID-19 booster shots.
Meta, has, however, maintained that its employees returning to offices in the US need to fulfill the primary vaccination requirement of getting one or two shot-series. The company also mentioned that it also recommends getting the coronavirus booster shot.