New Delhi: Google is set to pull the plug on the Lite mode for the Chrome mobile browser for Android devices. Lite mode for Chrome on Android was introduced in an attempt to help users decrease their data usage when unlimited plans were less common. Chrome 100 update is slated to be unveiled in March and with its release, Google's Lite mode will also be removed, the tech giant has announced.

"On March 29th, 2022, with the release of Chrome M100 to the stable channel, we’ll turn off Lite mode, a Chrome feature for Android that we introduced back in 2014 as Chrome Data Saver to help people use less mobile data on their phones and load web pages faster," Craig, Chrome Support Manager, said in a statement.

"In recent years we’ve seen a decrease in cost for mobile data in many countries, and we’ve shipped many improvements to Chrome to further minimize data usage and improve web page loading. Although Lite mode is going away, we remain committed to ensuring Chrome can deliver a fast webpage loading experience on mobile," Craig added.

With unlimited data plans available globally and in India, the search engine giant, now feels there are not enough reasons to keep the Lite mode for Chrome around. Google also adds that Chrome, through default settings, already decreases data usage.

Meanwhile, earlier in January, in its first big security update for New Year, Google had rolled out 37 fixes for Windows, Mac and Linux and one of which was rated critical. The Chrome 97.0.4692.71 contains a number of fixes and improvements.

The updates will roll out over the coming days/weeks.

"We would like to thank all security researchers that worked with us during the development cycle to prevent security bugs from ever reaching the stable channel," said Prudhvikumar Bommana of Google Chrome.