In a significant milestone for space exploration, the Google Doodle for August 24 commemorates the pioneering achievement of the first-ever successful landing on the southern pole of the Moon. India has now etched its name in history as the sole nation to accomplish this remarkable feat. The groundbreaking achievement was realised through the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft, which was launched on July 14 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. The spacecraft achieved its remarkable touchdown on August 23.

Google's newest doodle shows a cute animation of the Chandrayaan-3 landing on the lunar south pole, followed by a loving gesture from the Moon and Earth.

Here's what Google said about its latest doodle:

Today’s Doodle celebrates the first ever landing on the Moon’s south pole! The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota Range, Andhra Pradesh, India on July 14, 2023 and successfully touched down near the lunar south pole region on August 23, 2023. Moon landings are no easy feat. Previously, only the United States, China, and the former Soviet Union have completed soft landings on the Moon — but no country has made it to the southern pole region before now. 

The Moon’s south pole has been an area of heightened interest for space explorers as they suspected the existence of ice deposits located inside permanently shadowed craters. Chandrayaan-3 has now confirmed this prediction to be true! This ice offers the potential of critical resources for future astronauts such as air, water, and even hydrogen rocket fuel. 

And what were Chandrayaan-3’s first thoughts after achieving this historic feat?: “India, I reached my destination and you too!” Back on Earth, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated scientists from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) stating, "The success belongs to all of humanity… It will help Moon missions by other countries in the future. I'm confident that all countries in the world can all aspire for the Moon and beyond. The sky is not the limit!”

Congratulations to the Chandrayaan-3 space mission! We’re over the Moon for you!

Notably, previous Moon landings have been achieved solely by the United States, China, and the former Soviet Union, yet no country had hitherto set foot on the Moon's southern pole. India's achievement not only grants it the distinction of being the fourth nation to reach the Moon but also the unparalleled honour of being the first to achieve a successful landing on the Moon's southern pole.